Saturday, 18 April 2015

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Teaser Trailer (Official) and Explained...!!!!

This is the official trailer, but the main trailer which is going to be released on April 20, So there they much of reveling will be done, but for now let get to know what they provided in this trailer, lets dive in.
1)It seems as if the world knows who is Superman. He is famous, Controversial and a public figure, in the public eye. Naturally, considering how powerful Superman is, his presence on Earth stirs up quite the controversy amongst the Citizen of Metropolis.
"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The world is questioning whether or not they should welcome this new found hero. It seems he's being viewed as a Hope, Celebrity, and even a religious figure and even a Devil of some sort.

"The world has been so caught up in what he can do, that no one has asked what he should do."

Then we hear "GO HOME" people are shouting chanting over and over again, while seeing "FALSE GOD" painted in red over the chest of a statue of Superman. Which actually shows the conspiracy of Lex Luthor propaganda. Nevertheless one of the voice in trailer could be Lex Luthor. Really harsh stuff though. Some sect of people don't want Superman and are resisting to get him to leave. They could be supported by the Criminal element specially Lex Luthor.

We then see Bruce Wayne staring down his own cape and cowl. Is he debating whether or not to suit up to go fight Superman? We also get a look at what appears to be the Bat-Wing and Bat-Mobile in action!

There is our very first look at the Batman in motion, coming out from some wreckage. This looks dark and intense.

 "Tell me... Do you bleed? You will."

I am SO EXCITED FOR THIS MOVIE! I'm literally waiting for the next main tailer reasling of April 20